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Welcome to All Truth Ministries. We declare Luke 10:9 (NIV)


“Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.”


We declare that you are healed (whole), your destiny is now, your freedom is now, your peace is now, your joy is now. Stand free of depression and oppression, from fear and strife, from old bad habits and uncontrollable urges. Be governed and ruled by the wisdom and truth of God the Father. Let Him reign over your life, your household, your job, your family, your friends; and yes, your enemies. Forgive now that you may be forgiven, lift up and be kind to them that despitefully use you. You were designed to win now, so lift up your head without shame and be transformed by the renewing of your mind and know that God loves you.

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